Cherry Lodge Farm

Cherry Lodge Farm work with nature, for nature.

Their herd of English Longhorn cattle graze freely across the historic chalk grasslands of Parsonage Down on the edge of Salisbury Plain, the only working farm operating on a National Nature Reserve. And it’s a good job they graze in the way they do, the herd are an integral part of this ancient ecosystem which support a wide range of rare and iconic flora and fauna.

A wonderful project at FutureKings to be involved in from so many perspectives. The cause: a chance for the UK to learn and adopt a more sustainable approach to livestock farming. The people: the wildly passionate energy that exists among the team at Cherry Lodge Farm rubbed off on all of us at FK. The creative: a chance to collaborate with Annie Spratt, who’s incredible shots of the farm are an integral part of the brand, Chris Wormell, who’s delicate hand illustrated the stars of the show, and Emily Fleur whose food photography helped match the tone of the brand perfectly.

Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve is a working farmowned and managed by Natural England. 




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